Definitions and guidelines follow. Read them before contributing! Jump to the catalogue by searching for "= " (yes, equal sign is followed by space). [A download of a type] refers to [a link of the type] or to a link (whether encoded or not) to a web page that lists [links of the type]. A linking page, thus, is either a thread, or a completely different web site, which the thread links to. The types are: base64-ed downloads/links, magnet downloads/links, torrent downloads/links, direct downloads/links and not-a-download (the cartoon is watched online); for uniformity not-a-download shall refer, by definition above, to not-a-link (see below) or to a link to a web page that lists not-a-links. In practice to post not-a-download shall mean to post a link to a web site, where a cartoon can be watched online (since, in particular, doesn't support embedding videos and posting not-a-links). Even though the content itself may not be base64-encoded, to post a base64-ed download shall mean, by definition above, to post either a base64-ed link, or a link to a web page that lists base64-ed links. See the definition of "base64-ed" down below. Henceforth it shall be referred to the posted links as to posted "downloads", even if the link posted is not-a-download. That is, a "download", following the definition above, is either a genuine download, or not-a-download (i. e. a link to a site to watch stuff online). Content shall refer to what various links lead to: either a multimedia stream, or Bittorrent metadata. Content-listing shall refer to a web page that lists links to content. The links shall link: Not-a-links: to nothing; not-a-links are a video player's playlist options. The linking page allows one to watch some video online by choosing to play back a playlist option in a player. An absent (or irrelevant) playlist is considered to be a present playlist with only one option -- the one that links back to the linking page (e. g. Youtube video outside a playlist). Direct links: to a multimedia stream (i. e. video (+ audio)) or to Bittorrent metadata (regardless of by whom the latter are hosted). The linking page must guarantee, that the link will either work, or not (e. g. if it's expired). or Google Drive web pages are examples of such linking pages. For links to Bittorrent metadata it means, the number of active seeds must be up-to-date. This is the case, when the linking page is a so-called torrent-tracker. Torrent links: to Bittorent metadata, hosted by servers. The linking page either is capable of only showing the outdated number of active seeds, or doesn't show seeds at all. This is the case with threads or web pages: they do not track active seeds. Magnet links: to Bittorent metadata, hosted by Bittorent peers. Base64-ed links: to content; base64-decoding must happen before accessing the content. Before a base64-ed link can be followed from the linking page, one of the two must happen: Base64-decoding the link; Or base64-decoding the link to the linking page that is not a thread. Even when in fact a base64-ed link doesn't have to be base64-decoded, it shall be treated as if base64-encoded! To avoid confusion, the type name "base64-ed" implies, that at one point base64-decoding must happen: either before leaving a thread page, or after. The factually decoded link may be any link (of any type). Other, than that, the same linking-page considerations apply to factually encoded links, as if they were decoded. When cataloguing "downloads" here, what counts is, by definition of a "download", links to content and links to content-listings. If, to reach content from a thread, more than two clicks on the links must be performed (one on the thread's page; two on the thread's page and on the next page on a probably other web site)... Boy, then those "downloads" are probably not very useful to our fellow Anonymous. Consider carefully! The same applies to "downloads" with questionable content availability (web sites require to sign-up etal.; that is, the content is not public). ========= Sorted alphabetically, grouped by threads, broken down unless related, sorted by persistence/reliability, reported/apparent quality, thread number, freshness. Group everything: "downloads" by post number (happens naturally, as we post on, posts by thread number, threads by cartoon title, cartoon titles by convenience name!.. Do not add duplicates! But do mention someone's posted a duplicate with "(also posted in thread #?: [poster] [date posted] [post number])". Specify the thread number, where the duplicate appears. When it is advantageous to add a duplicate (e. g. useful info is scattered throughout different threads), have a notice written: "(reposted in thread #?)", specify the number. This means, that the "download" was reposted later in another thread. When adding a duplicate "download" that was posted earlier, instead of "reposted" use something else to imply it was posted earlier, not later. When adding any "download", follow quoted posts (and check replies) and concatenate the posts in a collection of posts, if together they give info on the "download". When one post gives seemingly enough info on the "download", consider it a one-post collection. If any post in one thread lists "downloads" to different cartoons (not related at all), that post shall be broken down. Indicate omitting a portion of a post with "[post omitted]"; for original posters' posts -- "[original post omitted]". From posts in a collection omit things irrelevant to the "download". Without changing the resulting collection of posts determine the best "download", if the collection lists a multitude. To determine the best "download", apply the sorting algorithm below and choose top one "download". Then for the purposes of ordering the collections consider them each having only that top one "download". Again, do not change the collection! Every link in it (even not "downloads") is precious! Yes, even the non-working ones! It's good for maintainance! Order by cartoon title, content availability, reported/apparent quality, thread number and date posted. The sorting algorithm for collections of posts is as follows: * From a cartoon's name filter only digits and Latin letters without spaces (e. g. "MyLifeAsATeenageRobot"); * Sort that alphabetically; * The alphabet is as follows: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; * When sorting, a letter's case is ignored ("A" is same as "a"). * That doesn't mean you should do all caps or all lower-case! * Miscellaneous things should start with a "(" and end with a ")"; * They go after the sorted list! * Collections under the same title shall further be sorted: * The top-one not-a-downloads and direct "downloads" shall appear at the top; * Below go torrent "downloads"; * Further below -- magnet "downloads"; * Further below -- base64-ed "downloads"; * Collections having the top-one "downloads" of the same type shall further be sorted: * The best reported/apparent quality shall appear at the top; * Unknown/unobvious quality shall appear down below as not to give downloaders any guarantee to receive high-quality cartoons; * Collections having the top-one links to content of the same reported/apparent quality shall further be sorted: * Collections from more-recent threads are supposed to provide fixes/replacements for previously posted links and thus shall appear at the top; * After a collection of posts has been broken down to the smallest one, still providing a link along with useful information, and the collections have been sorted according to the above: * Collections, posted under the same title, in the same link-type group, in the same quality group and in the same thread, shall further be sorted by date posted: * More-recent posts shall appear at the top. ========= Label each group of links relating to one cartoon (or multiple cartoons squeezed under one title). Example: "= Cartoon name =". Notice the "=" signs and spaces between them and the cartoon title. This allows to find specific cartoon by searching for "= A" to find cartoons starting with "A" etc.. Prepend each collection of links with "(Thread #?)", specifying the thread the collection belongs to. If a collection contains a duplicate, mark it with "(reposted in thread #?)", as mentioned above. If duplicate links listed in a collection are found elsewhere, mention that at the end of the collection with "(also posted in thread #?)". When compiling a collection, concatenate posts with "= =". The posts within one collection are best sorted by date posted in ascending order (i. e. in the order they appeared in the thread). ========= Even when omitting things from any post, do preserve poster's name, date posted, post number, links to quoting posts and links to quoted posts. =========